Add Salt Wisely; a Lesson for Cooks and Divorce Litigants

By: E.A. Putman

It’s been a cold winter in Houston, so I finally made gumbo. After all, it is Mardi Gras season, and I am trying to decipher if my latest stuffy nose is caused by sinus, cold, or allergy. Unfortunately, this bout of sickness has also affected my taste buds. Was the gumbo too spicy? Did the tomatoes blend well? (Yes, my gumbo is tomato-based). Was there a dash of salt too much? I don’t know because my smell is 10%, and my taste has also decreased. It must be the sinuses. It got me thinking…

Too Much Salt Can Ruin A Dish

Have you ever heard the saying, “You can always add more salt but you can’t take it away”? This is a lesson that litigants can learn from cooking. Just as adding too much salt to a recipe can ruin the flavor, making rash decisions or taking aggressive legal actions during a divorce can have negative consequences.

Cooking and litigation may seem like two entirely different things, but there is one important lesson that litigants can learn from cooking: the importance of caution.

Should You Spice Up the Litigation?

In Texas, there are six fault grounds for divorce, which include cruelty, adultery, conviction of a felony, confinement to a mental institution, living apart, and abandonment. In addition, there is also the frequently used no-fault ground of insupportability. Fault-based divorces require a higher burden of proof and are often more expensive and contentious.

On the other hand, no-fault grounds do not require proof of wrongdoing and may be a more amicable option for couples who wish to end their marriage without assigning blame.Even if one spouse has a valid claim for a fault ground, it’s worth considering the no-fault ground as an initial option. This can help reduce the conflict and make the process less stressful for both parties.

Bottom Line

Fault grounds like adultery can impact asset division and custody arrangements in a divorce. Consider whether it’s worth it before pursuing. If the desired result can be achieved without adding unnecessary salt to the recipe, then avoid doing so especially if there are children involved.

The Putman Firm, PLLC specializes in handling a wide range of family law matters, including criminal cases that intersect with family law, such as family violence assault, protective orders (criminal and civil), and child abuse allegations. We understand that dealing with a challenging family matter can be overwhelming, and that’s why we’re here to help.

If you or someone you know needs assistance with a family law issue, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (281) 501-9033 or schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys today. Let us help you navigate through this difficult time and achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Eronn A. Putman, Esq., is the big boss attorney at The Putman Firm, PLLC. With more than ten years of legal wizardry, she’s a former lobbyist with experience in the federal, state, and local political playgrounds.– A.I. assistant

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